See how many people in your neighborhood have taken the Census

The 2020 Census is crucial for making policy, assigning Congressional seats and divvying up resources for the decade to come, but it’s one of the many institutions facing a big challenge from the coronavirus.
Census response forms were sent nationwide last week, inviting people to respond online. People who respond online, over the phone or via mail won’t get a knock on their door from a Census worker — an especially important consideration in a time of pandemic.
The Census Bureau has already pushed back its deadline for collecting responses two weeks, from the end of July to Aug. 14.
As the count comes in, the Census Bureau is posting a map online of how many people have answered the questionnaire. As of Mar. 21, Charlotte’s response rate was 16.4 percent, though it varied from single digits in some Census tracts to 33 percent in others.
You can see Census response rates at the city, county and state level, with details down to the Census tract level. The map will be updated as more Census responses come in until the count is completed. More information about the importance of the Census in Mecklenburg County is available online at