Sydney Idzikowski

Sydney Idzikowski
Sydney is the associate director of the Charlotte Regional Data Trust at the Charlotte Urban Institute, a division of urbanCORE at UNC Charlotte. She is a systems-level social worker with a love for integrated data. As part of her role, she helps manage the day-to-day operations of the Charlotte Regional Data Trust. She manages relationships with data partners, facilitates data sharing agreements, and coordinates regular data updates. She also assists the community with using integrated data from the Data Trust. Sydney oversees data license requests and coordinates the Data and Research Oversight Committee (DAROC), one of the Data Trust’s key governance structures. She conducts outreach and engagement about the Data Trust, how to become a partner and how to use the data.
Before joining the CharlotteUrban Institute, Sydney served as a research assistant at the North Carolina Budget and Tax Center. She has a bachelor’s degree in social work from Warren Wilson College and a master’s in social work from UNC Chapel Hill.
A Colorado native, Sydney left her snowy home for the mountains of North Carolina and never left. She has worked at a federally qualified health center, finding healthcare resources for patients without insurance and at several nonprofit law firms across NC, researching and practicing the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid Transformation, social determinants of health, evictions, and affordable housing. She loves hiking, reading, bird watching, Dolly Parton, and her dog Bree.