
The May 13 tour of University City startled this gaggle of goslings, who escaped into the University Place lake. Walk leader Tobe Holmes described ongoing development as well as plans for the area when the Blue Line Extension light rail opens in March 2018. Photo: Mary Newsom

Scenes from Charlotte City Walks 2017

Did you know: ♦ At one time, if you lived on the north side of 37th Street in the NoDa neighborhood you could keep hogs and sell fireworks, but if you lived across the street on the south side you could not. The city limits line ran down the middle of the street. ♦ A […]

His plan: Help Charlotte manage its growth

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department has begun a large public initiative to produce a new zoning ordinance – the first big rewrite since a contentious one in the 1980s-1990s. PlanCharlotte editor Mary Newsom met with interim Planning Director Ed McKinney to hear how the process is going. They talked about how to preserve neighborhood character, what […]

From Model Ts to missiles to Millennials, new lives for old factory

Contributor: Nancy Pierce Photos and text by Nancy Pierce / Feb 9, 2017 Near Charlotte’s sparkling center city, where development usually obliterates signs of the past, a 92-year-old factory with sturdy bones and a compelling history will be sticking around. New York real estate developer ATCO Properties late last year purchased the 75-acre site between North Graham Street […]

Our living patterns, not I-77 asphalt, hold key to solving congestion

[highlightrule] “ ‘Status quo,’ you know, is Latin for the mess we’re in.” — President Ronald Reagan [/highlightrule] The tension and rhetoric about whether to build toll lanes on Interstate 77 is something I’m watching with dispassionate interest. I’m familiar with North Mecklenburg after work there some years ago, but my professional stake in the […]

More N.C., S.C. cities eye downtowns for development potential

[highlightrule] The City of Kannapolis bought its own downtown. It’s one of dozens of towns and cities across North Carolina hoping to make their downtowns more vibrant. [/highlightrule] In Kannapolis, plans for revitalizing downtown are ambitious, the stakes are high, and, residents say, there is a chance “to create our own destiny.” Unlike any other […]

Concerned at pace of development, planning commission weighs in

You can add the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Commission to the local voices expressing concern about development moving rapidly as the city’s process to rewrite its aging zoning code moves far slower. At its monthly work session Monday, members of the planning commission spent several minutes discussing what some see as rising community concern over new developments […]

Report finds strengths, challenges in United Way’s Collective Impact initiative

Research by the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute for United Way of Central Carolinas has found that almost 90 percent of at-risk Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools students who took part in programs from 14 local United Way-funded agencies over three or more years graduated from high school. The research also found that at-risk students served by UWCC-funded agencies […]

Report: More collaboration would improve services to elderly

A year-long study examining the needs of Mecklenburg County’s elderly population found that the county’s approach to older adults should focus on stronger and longer-term planning supported by more vigorous collaboration among service providers. Among the most pressing issues facing older adults, the study found, are access to transportation services, housing choices, caregiving support and […]

A new tool to find out-of-school time programs in Mecklenburg

The Council for Children’s Rights has partnered with the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute to create a locator map of “out-of-school-time” programs in Mecklenburg County. The interactive map allows users to identify programs based on a specific neighborhood location by zooming in on the map. Users can also select programs by location, program name, zip code […]

November events highlight recycling, tree-plantings

A Friday “sustainability fair” in uptown Charlotte will mark the city’s participation in America Recycles Day. The event will be 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at The Square (Trade and Tryon streets). More on recycling The story behind your recycling bin Why you can’t toss these in your recycling bin Facts, figures on plastics and recycling Hosts […]