General News

Does development mean displacement? Four Takeaways from the 2022 Schul Forum
Does development mean displacement? Four Takeaways from the 2022 Schul Forum At the recent 2022 Schul Forum, we examined development and displacement with the help of our keynote speaker, Dr. Karen Chapple, and a local panel. We also got a brief overview of data tools in our community that help us understand displacement risk and […]


Transit Time: More questions on CATS’ push for underground bus station
The Charlotte Area Transit System gave the City Council’s transportation committee its recommendation on Monday for how to rebuild the new bus station uptown. As expected, CATS backed the idea originally proposed by a private developer: placing the bus station underground to clear the way for a new tower with offices, retail and a hotel. […]

Transit Time: How to build a regional transit system
Q&A: There’s a vision for better Charlotte-area transit — and it’s time to move it forward, says head of regional group If a big transit plan for Charlotte is going to happen, it’s going to take a regional approach. And Geraldine Gardner, executive director of the Centralina Regional Council, has been working on a regional […]

Introducing the homelessness prevention integrated data report
(This article has been reposted with permission from the Building Bridges Blog. To see original article, visit Last year my family found itself in a difficult situation. As we approached the end of our lease, our landlord notified us that our rent would increase $150 per month if we renewed. We had two options: […]

Momentum seems to favor privately run toll lanes on I-77. But why?
Last week, the N.C. Department of Transportation discussed the possibility of partnering with a private firm to build and manage new express toll lanes on Interstate 77 from uptown to the South Carolina line. But at least one member of the Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization said he felt NCDOT was steering voting members toward […]

A Vision for Piedmont Roadsides
Along the backroads of the Uwharries, the trees seemed especially brilliant this fall. Through the windshield, the blur of sourwoods, sweetgums, black gums and maples was a psychedelic kaleidoscope. But something was missing. Where was the riot of yellow and purple in the herbaceous layer? There were no sunflowers. No goldenrods. No ironweeds, asters or […]

Transportation and equity: Approaching complicated questions as Charlotte grows
When it comes to transportation and transit in Charlotte, it seems like there are as many questions as there are answers these days. Add in equity and economic mobility, and the picture gets even more complex. The UNC Charlotte Urban Institute’s second Schul conversation focused on these questions (the first explored gentrification and displacement). The […]

‘Hate the bus lane.’ Drivers flooded Charlotte with opposition to pilot project
Just a couple of years ago, Charlotte Area Transit System planners were talking a lot about the potential for bus-only lanes to make the city’s buses faster and more reliable, giving them an edge over cars stuck in gridlock. Charlotte debuted a blocks-long bus-only lane on Fourth Street. Then, the city marked off one lane […]

Collaboration is more than a word: Highlights from the North Carolina Human Trafficking Commission Conference
Under federal and North Carolina law, human trafficking is defined as using force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. And any minor involved in a commercial sex act is a victim of trafficking. Trafficking is often confused with human smuggling, which consists of the movement of people across […]