Institute accepting questions for 2014 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Annual Survey

If your agency or organization is looking for an affordable and reliable way to gauge public opinion and attitudes, the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute’s annual survey of Mecklenburg County residents is available for your survey research needs. For more than 30 years, the institute’s Charlotte-Mecklenburg Annual Survey has been an important resource for local governments and nonprofit agencies to affordably assess community attitudes about issues important to their work.
Using a collaborative approach, participating agencies share the cost of conducting the survey, and each agency pays only for the questions that agency wants to ask. The cost includes key demographic questions, such as gender, age, race and ethnicity, income and employment status. The institute can also help with question design, data analysis and presentation of the results, such as data visualizations.
This year, there will be three opportunities to submit questions. The first survey is scheduled for April. Questions are being accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Interested local governments and nonprofit agencies should submit their questions as soon as possible to secure a spot on the first wave of the survey. Additional surveys are scheduled for July and October, but agencies can submit their questions at any time during the year for consultation.
You can read more detailed information about the survey, including schedule and pricing here or by visiting our website at /programs/annual-survey.
Staff contact: Eric Caratao at or at 704-687-1191.