Members of Farm and Food Council for Anson, Montgomery and Stanly counties

Members of the Farm and Food Council for Anson, Montgomery and Stanly counties:
Anson County
Farmer: Gary Sikes, heritage turkey farmer, Bountiful Harvest Farm.
Government: Charles Dunevant, resource conservationist.
Public Health/Medical: To be determined.
Education: Stuart Wasilowski, vice president, South Piedmont Community College.
Interested citizen: Martha Parker, retired nurse, farmer.
Montgomery County
Farmer: Donny Epps, Whipowill Hill Farm.
Government: Danelle Cutting, horticulture agent, Cooperative Extension.
Public Health: Brenda Caudill, health educator, Montgomery Health Department.
Education: Tammy Owens, staff, Montgomery Community College.
Interested citizen: Sheila Menendez, Star Heritage Center.
Stanly County
Farmer: Andrew McSwain, (704) 983-1859
Government: Lori Ivey, County Extension Director, Cooperative Extension.
Public Health: Debbie Bennett, health educator, Stanly Health Department.
Education: Robin McCree, vice president, Stanly Community College.
Interested citizen: Nancy Bryant, retired teacher, farmer.
Union County
Jeff Rieves, horticulture agent, Cooperative Extension.