Resources for neighborhoods

Whether you want to look up data or understand an issue or trend affecting the Charlotte region, the online resources of the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute are available to help you. There are also many other programs on campus that work with local groups.
The institute offers articles and data on a range of issues that could be useful to neighborhood groups. Scroll below for more information on other campus resources for local communities.
More than 40 years of seeking solutions to the social, economic, and environmental challenges facing our communities.
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Offering news, information and analysis about growth and the environment in the Charlotte region.
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Helping the public explore the 14-county Charlotte region with data.
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Download a presentation with more details about our sites’ resources for neighborhoods.
Articles of interest:
How to find information on your neighborhood
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Quality of Life Dashboard gives information on a variety of neighborhood conditions, providing some of the most extensive neighborhood-level information available in the United States.
Quality of Life Dashboard: Find your neighborhood
The new Quality of Life Dashboard is designed to assess the health of neighborhoods in Charlotte-Mecklenburg. Users of previous reports were familiar with the old neighborhood names, so we created some tools to help you find your neighborhood in the new system.
Neighborhood schools? More city parents are taking a fresh look
In a half-dozen older Charlotte neighborhoods, young professionals are starting to send their kids to nearby, high-poverty schools.
Can Windy Ridge finally find stability?
Residents, the city and UNC Charlotte students and faculty work together in a Charlotte neighborhood.
Neighborhood wrestles with school dilemma
Commonwealth Morningside eyes Shamrock Gardens-type “turn-around.”
Improve your block with programs for Charlotte neighborhoods
The City of Charlotte and other local organizations are offering neighborhoods two opportunities in coming months: One will teach ways to boost traditional neighborhood newsletters using digital tools such as Twitter, texting and other online products. The other will help neighborhoods plant trees.
After decades, Reid Park may get its park
Reid Park residents are working with UNC Charlotte student Dylan McKnight to design a park for their neighborhood.