Invasive Species

Saltbush – native but invasive
During a recent trip to the beach, I realized a number of plants native to the Coastal Plain have found a home in the Piedmont. Yaupon holly, beautyberry, wax myrtle and sweetbay magnolia have become staples in our gardens. Pitcher plants and longleaf pines occur in the natural landscapes of the Uwharries. A botanist friend […]

What areas have worst cankerworm problems? See new maps
Although the city arborist says Charlotte’s trees are healthy enough, for now, that no more aerial spraying to kill cankerworms is planned for next spring, the city’s infestation with the leaf-munching caterpillars remains high. Learn More Click here to see all of City Arborist Don McSween’s presentation. At a City Council meeting Monday, City Arborist […]

She’s no lady
“Much of the damage inflicted on land is quite invisible to laymen,” noted revered conservationist Aldo Leopold. The trained ecologist, on the other hand, “lives alone in world of wounds.” She takes no pleasure in evergreen thickets of Chinese privet on a dreary winter day. She cringes at patches of lush Japanese stilt grass. She […]

The sting of invasive species: When fire ants attack
We talk quite a bit in the conservation community about invasive species and the threats they pose to habitats and ecosystems.We have to deal with invasive species on conserved lands, typically invasive plants like kudzu and privet, which can spread rapidly and choke out native vegetation. However, other invasives have had an even broader impact […]

Milkweed and metamorphosis
Earlier this summer, I visited a Uwharrie pitcher plant bog at the right time to spot an interesting wildflower in bloom – swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnate). Similar to the bright orange butterfly weed seen on many roadsides, this version of milkweed is considerably taller, and instead of a vibrant sunset-orange color, it is a more […]

You get a line, I’ll get a pole, we’ll go fishing in a crawdad hole
What better summertime activity for a kid in the country than playing in a creek? There is really nothing better than sticking your feet in a cool stream under the forest canopy where it feels 10 degrees cooler than in the sun. And whenever I walk in the woods and come up to a rocky […]