Air Quality

Invisible pollution: Spotlight on clean air coming to Charlotte
UPDATE: The programs mentioned below have all been canceled due to coronavirus concerns. It’s all around us, but we usually can’t smell or see air pollution. A major art piece and a series of events coming to Charlotte this spring could help change that. “Most air pollution in North Carolina is invisible,” said June Blotnick, […]

How our changing landscape sustains us all
Ecosystems such as forests and wetlands provide clean air and water, food, building materials and recreational opportunities. The benefits people receive from nature are referred to as “ecosystem services.” Our interactions with ecosystems can have a positive impact, boosting our health and the economy. We can also have a negative impact on the health and […]

A ‘winning strategy’ for air quality? Better city design
Local air quality, says Brian Magi, is “a resource we should cherish and protect.” And it’s the subject of some of the more wide-ranging research he has underway. Magi is assistant professor of atmospheric sciences at UNC Charlotte in the Geography and Earth Sciences Department. He spoke about what he has learned so far about […]

Jackson: Sprawling cities, towns may be killing us
Richard Jackson thinks it’s time to stop blaming individuals for the U.S. obesity problem. The problem, he believes, is far more systemic, including the automobile-centric design of modern American life and the ready availability of high-sugar and high-fat foods. He thinks today’s parental fears of child abductions are not realistic and hurt children’s need for […]

University, institute environmental initiative win $10,000 grant
The KEEPING WATCH initiative, a three-year collaboration of historians, writers, artists, scientists and environmental experts, has gained more funding support. The Charlotte Mecklenburg Community Foundation awarded UNC Charlotte’s College of Arts + Architecture $10,000 to support the program. The initiative – whose key partners at the College of Arts + Architecture and the UNC Charlotte […]

Institute, partners launch 3-year look at environmental topics
The UNC Charlotte Urban Institute, in partnership with the UNC Charlotte College of Arts + Architecture, has launched KEEPING WATCH, a three-year initiative designed to bring a higher profile to, and engage the public in, issues about the natural environment. The initiative will foster collaboration across various interest groups and disciplines. An exhibit opened Friday, […]

Clouds create dramatic skies
Old Man Winter is stingy with his days. He seems to begrudge us every second of tepid light. At sunset, though, he becomes an extravagant spender – the bon vivant who picks up the tab for everyone at the bar. Gaudy colors saturate the sky, becoming more outlandish by the moment. They linger, slowing and […]

Ozone pollution still troubles county
Air quality continues to be Mecklenburg County’s biggest environmental problem, says the county’s latest State of the Environment Report. Ozone pollution is the particular weak spot, the report says, rating that indicator “poor” – the only such rating in the report. It took Mecklenburg County until the summers of 2008-10 to meet the 1997 national […]

Turn uptown’s street canyons green
Green walls in downtown Charlotte? Almost any visitor to the Charlotte area will remark about one key feature that I think all of us who live here are proud of – how green the area is. But if you’ve lived here any length of time you’re also probably aware that the greenery – particularly our […]

Environmental Quality of Life by the Numbers
The new Charlotte Regional Indicators Project website will go live in the next few months. This is part of a series of articles leading up to that date that will provide analysis of some of the data being tracked by the Indicators Project. How do you paint a picture of the region’s progress on environmental […]