
Easy access to work? Charlotte’s not atop list
Charlotte ranks near the bottom in a recent study of access to jobs via automobiles in the top 51 U.S. metro areas. Raleigh ranks even lower. The study, Access Across America, by David Levinson, the R.P. Braun/CTS Chair in Transportation Engineering at the University of Minnesota, ranks the Charlotte metro area No. 40, with the […]

Amid sustainability criticism, poll finds public prefers planning
Amid a political environment attacking global sustainability initiatives, a new national poll by the American Planning Association released Thursday finds bipartisan support for planning, as well as belief that community planners play a key role in economic recovery. Some political groups have attacked planning and are crafting laws that would bar cooperative planning or ban […]

Research looks at Triangle development patterns, foresees increase
From 1976 to 2005, developed land in the 16-county Greater Triangle and Rocky Mount region increased nearly 570 percent, from 39,743 developed acres in 1976 to 264,883 acres in 2005. By 2040 this figure is expected to increase nearly 150 percent or an additional 393,925 acres, according to projections just released from a forthcoming study […]